Fix Boredom with these outdoor fun tips

As caregivers, we understand the task of trying to entertain your senior loved ones as you work, take care of your own household, kids, pets, meals, kids extracurricular activities and so much more.
Sandie G
I have heard this time and time again that “mom and dad are so bored at home during the day” “they constantly call just for something to do”, “they start projects and leave them undone” losing interest and so much more. Each summer we try to come up with new activities but then life happens. The one annual plan that comes to mind is: “it’s that this time of year, I think we all get the urge to enjoy the outdoors if even for a small amount of time during the day” and then again, life happens. Make this year the YEAR! Get out and enjoy the outdoors!
“Summer means happy times and good sunshine.”
The Beach Boys
― Brian Wilson
I myself love the scent of fresh cut grass, a good BBQ on the grill, a bon fire, and the sound of kids playing and water splashing. Honestly, I even love the sound of a lawnmower in the near distance. There is just something about all of that which brings joy to my soul.
It is highly possible and imaginable that our seniors love those things too. We shouldn’t underestimate the power of the senses and the memories and joys that these things can bring.
Bored with the typical word search book, tv show, knitting, or crossword puzzle? There is a whole world out there that they knew well before us so let’s explore some Summer ideas! I have some ideas that will tickle the senses.
Sports Outings
Get out and enjoy a sporting event! Do the grandchildren play sports? Do you play sports? Bring mom and dad along to enjoy the comradery plus, who doesn’t like ball park cheese fries?
Does your town support a pro team training season? We are in Winter Haven, Florida and back in the day the Cleveland Indians trained here and families would go to watch them training. My mom had the best seat every time she watched. The field was literally on the other side of the fence of her condo complex pool and clubhouse! It was a special treat for her especially since she loved baseball.
There are little league teams for football, baseball, T-ball, soccer and so much more. The local parks and recreation will have the information listed. Even if it isn’t a grandchild playing, it is still fun to get our seniors out to cheer on the little ones and feel purposeful.
“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” Babe Ruth
Former professional Baseball player
Local Boat Tours
Go for a local boat tour of the lakes and/or bays in your area. This is one of my favorites! There are usually day trips that are pretty reasonable and packed full of fun. Take a pontoon ride around the lakesides or bays of nearby waters. Our town is the ‘Chain of Lakes’ and we can go from one end of town to the other by boat! It is pretty nice and we have boats galore and restaurants on the water, which excites the native Florida girl!
Some pontoon boat tours include lunch, dinner, or light snack and drinks. These local tours are nice, and relaxing allowing you to view the waters, the fish, the plants, lily pads, other wildlife and yes even gators (depending). These are very popular and provide relaxation and joy all at the same time. In my opinion, it is so worth looking into.
Swim! Going for a swim is the all time favorite outdoor activity in Florida for kids and adults alike. Don’t have a pool? No worries, most community centers do! Just call your City Chamber to find out the community pools in your area.
Is your senior loved one not to fond of swimming? Well dangle those tootsies in the water and sit on the edge and enjoy the sun, sounds of kids playing, and the atmosphere. Swimming lessons may also be a wonderful idea as well.
Go For a Walk
Go for a stroll! Yep, not only fun to get out, look about and enjoy the sites, but good exercise too. This is not only a great way to get Vitamin D from Mr. Sunshine, but also great exercise. Did you know that walking is the best exercise you can do for your body? Yep, low impact and still provides the cardio care we need. No need to work up a huge sweat and run out of breath, a stroll is all you need!!!
There is a benefit even if your loved one is in a wheelchair. Going to the walk park provides health benefits as well as great conversation and a change of scenery.
Stroll your neighborhood, stroll the mall or even stroll in the walk parks in your local area. More and more cities and towns are building community walking parks just for walkers, runners and even bikes to take in the view of the park and get the benefits of the outdoors.
If you are not familiar with any in your area, just call your City Chamber. They will be happy to give you the information that you need.

Get a Cone!
“I scream, you scream we all scream for ice cream”! Oh my goodness, who does not like a nice cold cone in the summertime? One of my favorite things.
Take your senior loved one on a date to the ice cream shop! Pick out a cone and enjoy the environment of people anxiously waiting for the sweet treat, kids giddy with delight and mom and dad just taking it all in.
Ice cream treats are always a win win in the summertime and the scent of baking sugar cones doesn’t hurt either!
“Tomorrow, we can eat broccoli, but today is for ice cream.” — Malory Hobson
Chairwoman of Starbucks
Picnic Fun
Go on a picnic! Yep, grab the gingham picnic blanket and a basket full of goodies and go on a picnic. Take mom and dad’s favorite finger food, fruit, treat and drink. Make a special moment by taking effort into planning the activity. Find a park that is chock full of pretty scenery and people that are there enjoying the outdoors too. People watching can sure be entertaining!
Walk the park, look at different plants and flowers, sing songs, play a board game, bring cards, people watch, play “I spy” (my favorite). Bring a fresh flower arrangement, bring some fun pillows, make a pretty fruit and cheese board, bring a good book or books, trendy sunglasses, cool hats, games like horseshoe, bean bag toss, ring toss are good for physical and memory boost!
Let this summer be the summer you start a new tradition with your senior loved ones.

Whatever you decide to do with your loved one, be sure that you always tote the meds, water, snacks, sunscreen and sunglasses!
Keep an eye open for warning signs of heat related illness, but stay hydrated and in the shade. Knowing signs of warning and prompt care is key.
Make summertime fun, adventurous and exciting. Remember, it doesn’t take a lot of money (if any) to be creative and plan fun adventures. Your senior loved one would benefit as guest of honor for an outing and would not doubt be excited to have these outings to look forward to.
Keep Busy and HAPPY SUMMER